
Most of these recipes are in no way our own original recipes. We are simply sharing recipes we have found through years of cooking and baking that we enjoy. We in no way claim any of these recipes as our own, unless otherwise stated (unless they are super duper yummy). Please enjoy!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Light Whole Wheat Baguette

This isn't my photo but I promise mine looked and turned out just like this. My boys demolished one before I could take a picture. I have tried and failed many times finding a good recipe for a crunchy chewy baguette. These reminded me of the good ones we would get in Europe. The whole wheat makes them healthier. And it was really easy. Just make sure you start them in the early afternoon if you want it in time for dinner!

Makes 2 baguettes

1 1/2 C. warm water (110 degrees)

3/4 T. yeast

3/4 T. kosher salt

1 1/4 C. fresh ground whole wheat flour

2 C. all purpose flour

Combine the water, yeast and salt in a large bowl with a lid till salt and yeast dissolves. Mix the flours together and then pour them into the liquid mix. Stir until well blended. Dough should be sticky. Use a wooden spoon or your hands to get it all mixed together. Don't knead it, but if stirring gets too hard just use your hands to mix together.

Cover the bowl with lid but don't seal it. Let the dough sit for 2-5 hours at room temperature. It will begin to flatten and fill the bowl. (you can refrigerate the dough until the next day if you don't have time to bake it)

Preheat the oven to 450. Place a baking stone on the middle rack and put a metal pan on the bottom rack. Sprinkle the counter with flour and roll the dough into two balls. Shape into two loaves- long and skinny about 2"x12". I placed mine on a floured cutting board. Let the shaped dough rest for 20 minutes.

Use a basting brush and water and paint the surface with water, then use a sharp knife and score diagonal lines across the baguettes. Slide the loaves carefully onto the hot stone in the oven. (this was kind of tricky, they kind of stretch out when you move them but just plop them on the stone as quickly as you can). Pour water in the metal pan on the bottom rack, about an inch deep. Bake for 25 minutes until deep brown and firm to the touch.

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