
Most of these recipes are in no way our own original recipes. We are simply sharing recipes we have found through years of cooking and baking that we enjoy. We in no way claim any of these recipes as our own, unless otherwise stated (unless they are super duper yummy). Please enjoy!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Roasted Jalapeno Salsa

1 big can 32 oz. whole peeled tomatoes
2-3 jalapeños
Handful of cilantro to taste
2 cloves minced garlic
1 tsp salt

Here is the work. Roast the jalapeños. I have a flat top range so roasting them over the flame wasn't an option. I did it in a cast iron skillet on high heat. Just roll them over and over til they turn charred black on all sides. This took about ten minutes. Then put them in a sealed bowl for 10 minutes til cooled. Then they are easy to peel the skins off.

Chop the roasted peppers, throw with the other ingredients in the blender. Mix til puréed. Add more salt as needed. I had to do a half batch without cilantro for Jeff. It has a yummy taste! Ours was hot, you might start with 1 pepper, then taste and add more if you want hotter. The extra roasted peppers can be frozen.

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